Wednesday, July 4, 2012

June 1940: Superman Radio Show episodes 46-57

These twelve episodes comprise two story lines: "Alonzo Craig, Arctic Explorer" and "Horace Morton's Weather Machine".  I listened to these some time ago, and to be honest they really aren't fresh in my mind.  Allow me to refresh my memory, and I will come back with a semi-decent write-up.

Okay, I am back, with my brain fully refreshed!

In the first storyline, Clark Kent travels to the Arctic to find missing explorer Alonzo Craig.  Which he does, in a manner of speaking: Craig has been captured by a tribe of "Indians" and drugged to believe that he is their medicine man.  It's all played out as a mystery over the six episodes, and actually fairly well done.  You just have to get past the geographically dubious Indians, not to mention their less than even-handed portrayal.

The second story sees Lois and Clark investigating Lois's uncle, who has invented a weather machine.  Some crooks take over the machine, and use the resultant bad weather to cover for their robberies.  This one is a lot more straightforward, and reminiscent of some of the lesser stories from the comic.  It's just going through the motions.

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